get me out of here

We're not really sure when the disappearances started to happen. We think it was gradual : people flickering in and out of reality.

We don't think people were worried much, and just attributed the disappearances to the victims being unwell and needing space.

We know Bel disappeared around October 2023. We know she actually disappeared much before, then returned in October. She was looking for Balt. She didn't leave us much else to go on.

We know there were a couple of incidents with outsiders that worsened Bel's condition.

We know Bel experienced flashbacks that caused her great emotional distress. As the archivist, this shouldn't be possible for Bel to experience.

We know Bel went to the underworld. There, she saw a figure akin to Iris.

We know Bel made some sort of deal with "the Acheron."

We know Bel remembers being a child in another universe entirely.

We know Bel wasn't always the archivist. We've seen her axe.

Henry's phone

I hope Phen is okay.

Jacin is sending me updates.

I feel like he knows something

Sam too. Every time there's trouble, he pops his ugly head out

I'm not too happy about traveling

Lots of people to talk to, too.

Sophie has an advantage, she can hear thoughts.

And if she sticks to the shadows, no-one will even see her.

The telepathy thing is useful... if the victims are hidden somewhere, she'll hear them anyway.

If they're knocked out... I wonder if she can hear dreams.

I know that Crow's disappearance is what we're supposed to focus on right now - I didn't tell Sophie to go after Bel yet.

We've separated. I texted her to go to the Ramstead to see if Crow's around. She replied:

And what of Bel?
Of course we're not giving up on Bel ...