I guess this is my corner, huh? To be fair, the Ramstead itself is also mostly "my corner" [since I take care of it] [but who am I, really?]
today is the 19th of jan. 2023 - however, it is midnight, so to me it is still the 18th. my best friend C recommended a show to me called single's inferno - i'm almost done with season 1 already! i don't usually watch these sorts of
shows but this one's good! it actually made me want to learn korean again. i'll master hangul this time! [it is a very easy alphabet to learn but you probably already knew that] [I sound so different here.]
j'ecris en anglais exclusivement sur ce site par convenience, mais ce n'est pas la seule langue que je parle :,) j'imagine que les personnes qui ne me connaissent pas pourront probablement deviner que je ne suis pas americaine ni anglaise puisque mon anglais n'est pas parfait, mais je viens de realiser qu'ils ne sauront pas non plus que je parle d'autre langues [surprisee...haha] [Do I talk like this?]
mm... i'll have to make sure to add to the library [and fix it up ofc]. but i should probably focus on my assignments first o-o" [This isn't me.]
i also have to catch up with people - i've been leaving too many chats unopened... i've been distracted. :/
have you noticed that i like tyrian purple yet [Saint? Gala?]
i like cats
one lens of my sunglasses isn't polarized [Is that you?]
wine makes me happy, jaeger makes me talk, whiskey makes me pensive, anything else usually pisses me off [Jophiel?]
to blame for smelling like cigarettes (i hang out with smokers, alright...)
enamored with the moon. [Who are you?][Is this who we used to be?]